Endodontic management of fractured crown and rehabitation with fractured natural tooth- All in single visit

Authors : Bhaskar Lal

DOI : 10.18231/2456-8953.2018.0006

Volume : 3

Issue : 1

Year : 0

Page No : 23-25

Introduction: Accidental fracture of upper central incisor are very commonly seen in routine dental practice but management of fractured crown in single sitting are the challenges what we faced in towards practices with rehabilitation with the same natural fractured tooth.
Materials and Methods: This case reported describes the successful endodontic diagnosis and management of fractured upper central incisor and prosthetic rehabilitation with the same fractured crown. Cone beam tomography facilitates the diagnosis of fractured crown.
Results: The upper central incisor with fractured crown with single sitting root canal treatment with placement of post (metal) and core buildup with prosthetic rehabilitation with same fractured natural crown. Cone Beam Computed Tomography and dental operating microscope can facilitate evaluation for teeth and successful treatment.

Keywords: Single, Sitting, RCT.

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