A prospective analysis of the causes and characteristics of uveitis patients in a private practice set up in an urban south Indian population

Authors : Vijayan. S, Manoj Vasudevan

DOI : 10.18231/2455-8478.2018.0012

Volume : 4

Issue : 1

Year : 0

Page No : 41-46

The pattern of uveitis is influenced by a number of geographic, demographic and racial factors. Collaborative studies between different regions would be of help in establishing etiology and pattern of uveitis. A few studies on the pattern of uveitis from southern1-3 central and northern4 India have been reported in literature. In this paper we have highlighted the causes and characteristic pattern of uveitis seen over a period of 8 years in urban south Indian population of different age groups and gender seen at a private practice set up and also emphasize the difficulties faced by the treating physician to diagnose, treat and follow up these individuals.

Keywords: Uveitis, Granulomatous, Non-granulomatous, traumatic, Infective, Anterior, Intermediate, Posterior, Pan-uveitis.

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