Assessment of family planning knowledge in students of adolescent age group in various schools of Indore city Madhya Pradesh

Authors : VP Goswami, Shailesh Rai

DOI : 10.18231/2394-2738.2018.0010

Volume : 5

Issue : 1

Year : 0

Page No : 41-48

Introduction: Adolescent population is upcoming youth and they will take the responsibility of family in future. Especially the female of this group faces the problems related with early pregnancy due to lack of knowledge or poor knowledge regarding family planning methods.
Objectives: To assess the awareness regarding family planning in adolescent age group.
Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on school students of adolescent age group with the help of Pre-designed, Pre-tested, Semi-structured questionnaire during the period between 01 April 2015 – 30 March 2016. Permission taken from school principal. Simple random sampling for selection of school and Adolescent boys and girls was adopted. A total of 1492 (970 boys and 522 girls) Adolescent boys and girls were included in the study. The collected data were analyzed with the help of various tools and techniques to draw meaningful inferences and conclusion.
Results: About reasons for not marring before right age of marriage, responses increases with the age i.e. 63.9%, 77.2% and 88.1% in early, mid and late adolescent’s girls respectively c2 = 8.26, p-value < 0.001. Knowledge of contraception including emergency contraception out of 970 boys, 41.8% know about the contraception and 58.3% don’t’ have knowledge. Out of Total 522 girls, 25.3% had knowledge about contraceptive measures and 74.7% does not know. Opinion about abortion On comparing girls with boys percentage of students denying the abortion in case of unwanted pregnancy is almost same i.e. 48% in boys and 47.3% in Girls respectivelyc2 =23.98, p>0.001. Few numbers of girls were aware about the MTP and legal aspects of abortion as compare to boys i.e. 32.3% and 24.7% respectively. c2 =10.15, p<0.01.
Conclusions: Awareness regarding pregnancy is more in girls in comparison to boys while knowledge about emergency contraception is more in boys awareness about right age of marriage is increase with age. It is necessary to give correct knowledge about family planning related matter at correct age to both girls as well as boys.

Keywords: Adolescent, Family Planning, Knowledge, School Student.

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