Determination of the accuracy of imaging methods to evaluate bone in maxilla for implant placement- An invitro study

Authors : Venkat Reddy Marakala, Shylaja Allu, Vinil Chaitanya Pittala

DOI : 10.18231/2395-6194.2018.0001

Volume : 4

Issue : 1

Year : 0

Page No : 1-10

Introduction: Dental implants are now treatment of choice in replacing of missing teeth. Treatment outcomes with dental implants are predictable and favourable. Long term implant survival is dependent on proper implant planning and case selection. Precision in dental implant placement is the sine qua non for dental implant success. Radiographic examinations are the only non-invasive technique for visualizing the bone topography, volume and location of vital structures like mandibular canal and maxillary sinuses. In this study we have tried to evaluate commonly used radiographic modalities in implant planning, orthopantomograph (OPG) and computed tomography (CT) and tried to compare their accuracy with direct measurements with skull sectioning at predetermined maxillary first molar region.  
Materials and Methods: Ten dry human skulls were subjected to OPG, CT and skull sectioning respectively. Measurements on height and width of the alveolar bone were noted at the maxillary first molar region and results were compared.
Results: The mean height of alveolar bone measured using OPG, CT and Skull sectioning was found to be 12mm, 9.4mm and 9.3mm respectively. The mean value of width of alveolar bone measured using CT and skull sectioning was found to be equal at 10.3mm. Additionally, the mean rate of magnification for OPG was found to be 40%, whereas for CT it was just 2%. 

Keywords: Orthopantomography, Computed tomography, Dental Implants, Maxillary sinus.

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