“Face driven Orthodontics”- Correction of blocked out incisors with non-extraction approach: a case report

Authors : Luv Agarwal, Tania Aneja

DOI : 10.18231/2395-499X.2018.0009

Volume : 4

Issue : 1

Year : 0

Page No : 40-42

Orthodontic tooth movement of total blocked-out incisor is usually difficult as it is related with the problems of severe crowding, midline deviation, gingival recession and involvement of root resorption. A case report was presented to illustrate the treatment principles. It demonstrated with careful planning in non-extraction sequence and orthodontic mechanics to deliver light, controlled force, condition of totally blocked out incisor could be corrected with good results.

Keywords: Face driven orthodontics, Blocked-out incisor, Non-extraction.

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