Multicentric morphometric study of sexual dimorphism in body of first sacral vertebra of dry human sacra in Central India region

Authors : Deepak Sharma, Sonia S Baweja, Vandana A Sharma

DOI : 10.18231/2394-2126.2018.0044

Volume : 5

Issue : 2

Year : 0

Page No : 191-196

Human skeleton and its remains are important material for racial, genetic, anthropological and forensic investigations. Sacrum being the last skeletal remains proves important in sex determination & identification of deceased. The first sacral vertebra is last to decay in the sacrum. This study is to validate the selected morphometric parameterss and indices related to first sacral vertebra and thus sex determination by the available part of human sacrum.
Multicentric study on 282 dry human sacra in central india region was conducted after due permission of institution ethics committee. Transverse, anterio-poeterior diameter of S-1 was measured and Index of S-1 was calculated.
Mean value of transverse diameter of first sacral vertebra is 4.78 and 4.46 and Anterio-posterio diameter is 3.07 and 2.89 for male and female sacra with t-value of 4.8839 and 4.2262 respectively & P-value highly significant. Mean value for Index of S-1 for male and female is 8.4429 and 8.9327 respectively with t-value 0.0568.
This multicentric study provides morphometric values of first sacral vertebra that can be used for determination of sex and forensic identification in Central India region. Morphometric indicators of first sacral vertebra can be used for the anatomical and forensic purpose where partial or broken sacra is only skeletal remains.

Keywords: First sacral vertebra, S-1, Sacrum, Identification point, Demarking point.

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