Effect of one minute preceptor (OMP) model in learning of core competencies in Pharmacology

Authors : Shalini Chandra, Marya Ahsan, Sameer Chandra, Iram Shaifali, Rakesh Koul

DOI : 10.18231/2393-8005.2018.0010

Volume : 5

Issue : 1

Year : 0

Page No : 49-56

Introduction: Knowledge and competencies regarding Pharmacology are found difficult to be taught by the traditional teaching methodologies alone. One minute preceptor (OMP) model is an innovative method of teaching and learning activity which is being used to improve reasoning skills in clinical settings but also can be used with modification to improve work place based learning in nonclinical subjects. We conducted OMP for the first time among undergraduate students with the aim of imparting better understanding of basic competencies in Pharmacology and better clinical application of concepts.
Materials and Methods: This was a quasi experimental interventional study. Participants included 60 undergraduate second BBS students that were randomized to the OMP group (n = 30) or to the traditional group (n = 30) and 12 faculty members. Six competencies of Pharmacology were selected and validated by the content experts followed by development and validation of six case scenarios from the topics chemotherapy and cardiovascular system (CVS) with regards to the particular competency. One case scenario was developed for one competency. The selected topics had already been covered in didactic lecture. Validated pre/post-test questionnaire and feedback perception questionnaire were developed. Faculty and students were sensitized with the OMP method of teaching with short interactive lecture and role play. Immediate cognitive gain was assessed using pre- and post-tests for each intervention. Formative assessment after 2 months was done to assess long term impact using structured viva. All the questions were based on clinical application with regards to the competencies. Students’ and faculty perceptions were analyzed using feedback questionnaire on a 5-point Likert’s scale. Paired t- test was adopted to assess pre/post scores for immediate effect of learning. Unpaired t-test was conducted to compare viva scores between two groups to assess long term impact.
Results: Analysis of results of the both group revealed that OMP group scoring was significantly higher than the traditional group .The average perception on Likert’s scale was between 4(agree) and 5(strongly agree). The OMP model of teaching learning in pharmacology was well perceived by the students and faculty. Teaching skills of the faculty were also improved.
Conclusion: Faculties and students rate OMP as more effective model of teaching than traditional model. Students feel confident in applying concepts in clinical settings. OMP promotes self directed learning .and encompasses all three domains- cognitive, psychomotor and affective.

Keyword: OMP, Undergraduates, Competencies, Pharmacology.

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