The effect of self instruction module on knowledge and attitude regarding premenopausal symptoms of women between the age 34-45 Years

Authors : Gitanjali Manik

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijpns.2022.009

Volume : 5

Issue : 2

Year : 2022

Page No : 46-54

Background of The Study: Menopause is a normal occurrence in the life of every woman. It is the period in woman’s life when reproductive functions cease. “Menopause means permanent cessation of menstruation attend of reproductive life due to loss of ovarian follicular activity”. The clinical diagnosis is confirm following stoppage of menses for six consecutive month. Even though samples had heard and received information on menopause through various sources their level of knowledge was not adequate. All the women felt that information provided in the booklet was beneficial and practical use for them. The study will be help to reveal the existing knowledge of the women regarding premenopausal symptoms.
Research Design - Pre-experimental one-group pre-test post-test research design , Research Setting- The physical location and conditions in which the data collection takes place in a study is the setting. Settings are the more specific places. The settings for the present study area were: Mayur Hospital and Research Centre Indore & Life Line Hospital Indore The Sample- In this study the samples were 60 premenopausal women of selected hospitals of Indore, who fulfilled the inclusion criteria.
Result: Data shows, 21 (35.0%) of the subjects has poor knowledge score, 37 (61.7%) of the subjects belongs to average knowledge and 2 (3.3%) of the subjects has good knowledge. that attitude of premenopausal women in pre-test was, 514 (42.8%) were disagree, 393 (21.8%) were agree, 212(35.3%) were strongly agree. But after post-test 954 (53%) of women were strongly agree, 404 (33.67%) were agree and 80(13.3%) were disagree. knowledge level in premenopausal women was 10.45 and mean score of post-test was 16.33. Mean difference in between pre-test and post-test knowledge was 0.69 and SD was 4.85 for pre-test and for post-test was 1.67. Computed ‘t’ value (t = 8.59) and ‘p’ value (p = 0.55) shows that there was significant difference between pre-test and post-test score at the level of p<0> Conclusion: The main aim of this pre-experimental study was to assess the knowledge and attitude of premenopausal women. 60 samples were selected by purposive sampling technique, women to change their knowledge and attitude.Thus the intervention SIM that is found to Increase knowledge.

Keywords: PDD­ Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, LLPD­ Late Luteal Phase Disorder, MP - Madhyapradesh

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