Effect of serum vitamin D deficiency in the prevalence of haematological malignancies

Authors : Rama Mani Gorle, Munta Anil Kumar, Santa Ayyagari

DOI : 10.18231/2394-6377.2018.0038

Volume : 5

Issue : 2

Year : 0

Page No : 185-190

Introduction: The awareness on vitamin D related metabolic activities have drawn attention in the recent times. The studies reported vitamin D deficiency may result in the progression of malignancies.1,2 Being a tropical country, 80% of the Indians are found to be vitamin D deficient and thus the evaluation of serum vitamin D deficiency helps in understanding its risk association in haematological malignancies.3,4
Materials and Methods: The study comprised of 250 haematological malignancy cases and 250 age and sex matched healthy controls. The diagnosis was confirmed by blood, bone marrow or lymph node biopsies. Serum vitamin D levels were analysed by Electrochemiluminescence Immunoassay (ECLIA) method and statistical analysis was done by using Medcalc 11.6. The data were expressed as mean ± SD and the risk association of vitamin D deficiency and comparison in the experimental groups was done by using the odds ratio (OR) and odds relative risk ratio (RR).
Results:Among the 250 haematological cases, 185(74.0%) showed low serum vitamin D levels, whereas controls had comparatively lesser deficiency rate (60%). Despite significant vitamin D deficiency of control group, haematological malignancies showed highly significant risk association towards the disease occurrence (OR=1.90; t-test =0.0026).
Conclusion: Low serum vitamin D levels were significantly associated with haematological malignancies. Additional population based studies are required to evolve therapeutic strategies and treatment protocols for the risk reduction and management of malignancies.

Keywords: Vitamin D, Deficiency, Tropical countries, Haematological, Malignancy

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