Knowledge, attitude and practices among pregnant women about antenatal care, danger sign during pregnancy and adopting family planning method

Authors : Punyatoya Bej

DOI : 10.18231/2454-6712.2018.0004

Volume : 4

Issue : 1

Year : 0

Page No : 10-15

Introduction: The knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) for antenatal check-up during pregnancy is a key indicator of health care facility in a community. The study was conducted in a district hospital in North Delhi of India about antenatal care among pregnant female.
Materials and Methods: Total 54 pregnant females were studied about KAP during antenatal care check-up in a tertiary care hospital.The study was cross sectional in design. They were asked questions while attending the outpatient clinic in the hospital.
Result: It was found that practices and positive attitude about antenatal care among pregnant females was adequate. Score for positive attitude was 93% and score for antenatal care practices was 62%. Both are more than 50%. But knowledge among them is not adequate; the score for knowledge about antenatal care was 17%, which was less than 50%. Hence periodic health education sessions have to be conducted by the doctors and health staffs. Ten pregnant females(18.5%) had faced danger signs during their previous pregnancy, these danger signs were dizziness and fainting, persistent vomiting, less movement of baby inside uterus, bleeding per vagina (for abortion), persistent vomiting, leaking per vagina and pain abdomen. Four pregnant women (7.4 %) had mentioned bleeding per vagina in their previous pregnancy. Out of 54 pregnant women nine pregnant female told that they were using condom and six not using any contraceptive methods after marriage.
Conclusion: The study detected knowledge score of 17%, practice score of 62% and attitude score of 93% in pregnant female attending antenatal check-up clinic.

Keywords: Antenatal care, Family planning, Danger signs, Knowledge, Attitude, Practices.

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