Primary malignant melanoma of uterine cervix in a young female - Report of a rare case

Authors : S. V. Poflee, M. M. Bagdia, R. N. Patil, W. K. Raut

DOI : 10.18231/2456-9267.2018.0022

Volume : 3

Issue : 2

Year : 0

Page No : 107-110

Malignant melanoma (MM) of gynaecological tract represents about 2% cases of all melanomas. Most of the gynaecologic tract melanomas are reported in vulva and vagina. Malignant melanoma of uterine cervix is extremely rare and about 78 cases are mentioned in literature. Primary Malignant melanoma of cervix usually occurs in sixth decade of life and has poor prognosis. We report a case of primary malignant melanoma diagnosed in a young woman of 28 years. Initial diagnosis of malignant melanoma was made on the basis of morphological features revealed in the cervical biopsy obtained from a polypoidal cervical growth. Cervix as the primary site of occurrence of malignant melanoma was confirmed after extensive clinical and radiological evaluation. Radical hysterectomy was the initial treatment. Histopathogical diagnosis was substantiated in this patient with the help of immunohistochemical markers.

Keywords: Primary malignant melanoma, Cervix, Diagnosis, Histopathological features.

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