Recent update on pterygium

Authors : Ashish Gupta, Ashish Gupta, Rajendra Prakash Maurya, Rajendra Prakash Maurya, Manisha , Manisha , Syeed Mehbub Ul Kadir, Syeed Mehbub Ul Kadir, Amit Patel, Amit Patel, Asha Devi, Asha Devi, Eshwari Patel, Eshwari Patel, Shivangi Singh, Shivangi Singh

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijooo.2022.022

Volume : 8

Issue : 2

Year : 2022

Page No : 95-108

Pterygium is an ocular surface disorder associated with fibrovascular growth and elastotic degeneration of the collagen in conjunctiva and cornea. It has high incidence in tropical countries like India especially in males because of abundance of UV light exposure. It does not hamper vision until in later stages when visual axis is involved. But the burden of disease has increased due to recurrence rates post surgery which is considered to be mainstay of pterygium treatments. Recently there have been advances regarding understanding of pathophysiology and management of pterygium. This article aims to review the recent developments in pathophysiology including genetics, various treatment modalities available beside surgery e.g. adjunctive therapies and management of recurrence pterygium.

Keywords: Pterygium, Recurrence, Adjuvant therapy, Pathophysiology, Conjunctival auto graft, Mitomycin C

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