Perspective of online retailing in India

Authors : Shilpa Jain

DOI : 10.18231/2394-2770.2018.0033

Volume : 5

Issue : 2

Year : 0

Page No : 213-216

Online retailing is a global trend which is rapidly gaining momentum in India. The study aims to estimate the challenges and opportunities of online retail business in the Indian market. A SWOT analysis has been performed from the assessment of literature review. The growing number of internet users in India provides a great opportunity foronline retail market.  With advent of various payment methods like net banking, mobile apps, wallet payments systems, the transaction procedures have easen up which lead to increase use of online buying channels. Cash on delivery has also entrusted customers. The key challenges are to maintain the privacy of customer personal and financial data, to have smooth logistics network, to improve reach of online market to rural customers, handling fake websites etc. Recommendations are made at the end suggesting that it is paramount for a large consumer market like India to put an effective framework which can help in leveraging the opportunities generated from online retail market space.

Keywords: Online retail industry, Challenges, Opportunities, SWOT, Online retail market.

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