Fetal tibial and foot length for prediction of gestational age: An ultrasonographic study

Authors : Vishnu Datt Pandey, Vishram Singh, G. L. Nigam, Yasmeen, Yogesh Yadav

DOI : 10.18231/2455-1732.2018.0007

Volume : 4

Issue : 1

Year : 0

Page No : 25-30

Introduction: An accurate gestational age is must for Obstetricians and Gynecologists to make appropriate decisions, for identify and counseling women who are at risk of a preterm delivery and to evaluation of fetal growth and the detection of intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). In our present study, we worked on fetal tibial length & foot length and found that in normal growing fetus, fetal tibial length increase with advancing gestational age and regression analysis showed a strongly significant relationship between gestational age and fetal tibial length.
Materials and Methods: 100 pregnant women underwent ultrasonographic measurements of Tibia and Foot Length from 15 to 36 weeks of gestation, in the Radio diagnosis Department.
Results: In our study, we found the earliest age at which Tibia and foot length could be seen by ultrasound was 15 weeks of gestation and mean tibia length 10.25± 0.50, mean foot length is 17.5±1.29 while at 36 weeks of gestation are 70.80±0.84 and 64.4±3.28 respectively. A strongly significant relationship has been observed between fetal foot length and gestational age by regression analysis.
Conclusion: Fetal tibia length and foot length can be considered as one of the good parameter for the determination of gestational age.

Keywords: Fetal tibial length, Fetal foot length, Gestational age by USG.

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