Easier lateral orbitotomy approach for excision of lacrimal gland tumour

Authors : RL Sharma, Janak Raj, Shagun Korla

DOI : 10.18231/2581-5016.2018.0028

Volume : 4

Issue : 2

Year : 0

Page No : 113-116

Tumours of the lacrymal gland are relatively rare. Pleomorphic adenomas present with painless, unilateral progressive proptosis with downward and inward displacement of the globe. Surgical excision through the lateral orbitotomy is the commonest approach. It can be further simplified by removal of lateral wall with chisel instead of saw and replacing it back without any sutures or screws.

Keywords: Lacrymal gland tumour, Lateral orbitotomy, Pleomorphic adenoma.

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