Frozen section as a guide in intra operative decision making in management of adnexal mass lesions

Authors : Subbiah S, G. Gopu, Sujay Susikar, Prinith Siga Fells

DOI : 10.18231/2394-6792.2018.0093

Volume : 5

Issue : 3

Year : 0

Page No : 484-486

Ovarian tumours present with vague pelvic, abdominal and menstrual symptoms. Lack of histological diagnosis before hand with no definite evidence of malignancy intra operatively may put the surgeon at the cross roads, whether to proceed with a complete surgical staging or conservative approaches like a fertility sparing procedures or a simple ovariectomy. Frozen section done intra operatively in the above setting may help in differentiating benign and invasive ovarian tumours and help in proceeding with optimal surgical procedure. But the reliability of frozen is limited in borderline and mucinous ovarian tumours.

Keywords: Frozen section, Concordance, Discordance, Accuracy, Borderline tumours of ovary (BTO), Mucinous ovarian tumors.

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