Uterine rupture- A 10 years review in tertiary hospital

Authors : S. Nagajyothi, Sheela S.R, Anudeep .P, Ranjith Meela

DOI : 10.18231/2394-2754.2018.0094

Volume : 5

Issue : 3

Year : 0

Page No : 409-412

Uterine rupture is a known potential catastrophic obstetric complication accounting for 9.3% of maternal deaths.
Aim: of this study is to evaluate the incidence, identify the risk factors as well as complications and to know the maternal and fetal outcome of rupture uterus.
Materials and Methods: The study was carried out in R.L. Jalappa medical college. All cases of uterine rupture admitted in hospital were analyzed from Jan 2006-Jan 2016 records. Included in the study.
Results: The incidence of uterine rupture was 0.6%. Totally 108 cases of uterine rupture found in our study, majority of the women were in 26-30 years age group (48.1%) and unbooked (79.6%). The incidence was more in para 2 patients 37%. The uterine rupture was most frequently seen in previous 2 LSCS (36.2%) than previous one LSCS (26%). The common cause of uterine rupture was previous LSCS (62%), spontaneous rupture (18.5%) and iatrogenic risk factors (17.5%) The most common site of rupture was lower uterine segment in 98.1%. We performed scar repair with sterilization (45.3%) and without sterilization (45.3%). Hysterectomy was performed in 23.14%. Maternal complications noted in our study were anemia (98%), puerperal sepsis (12.9%), PPH (55.6%), acute renal failure (0.9%) and VVF (0.9%). The perinatal mortality was 18.5%.
Conclusion: Uterine rupture is a catastrophic condition. All the modern generation obstetricians should keep these rare complications in mind when they are dealing with postpartum morbidity patients. This is a preventable complication if women are provided with good antenatal care and intrapartum management.

Keywords: Hysterectomy, Lower segment caesarean section (LSCS), Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH), Uterine rupture, Scar repair.

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