Pattern of hanging cases brought for autopsy at a Tertiary Care Centre in Central India

Authors : Avinash H. Waghmode, Avinash H. Waghmode, Avinash H. Waghmode

DOI : 10.18231/2394-6776.2018.0043

Volume : 5

Issue : 3

Year : 0

Page No : 190-192

Introduction: This study was the retrospective study carried out in the Department of Forensic medicine and Toxicology at a Tertiary Care Centre during the period June 2016 to June 2017. All the cases with alleged history of hanging were included in this study. In the present study 31 to 40 year was the most commonly involved age group followed by 51-60 years and 41-50 years in which male outnumbered the female. Complete hanging was seen in 75% deaths. Nylon rope was the most commonly used material for hanging. Evidence of salivary stains around the angle of mouth was present in 25% of the cases. In 87.5% of cases the ligature mark was present above the level of thyroid cartilage. The most common reason for hanging deaths was the financial problems (75.83%). The incidence of hanging was more common in Married people than unmarried people.

Keywords: Hanging, Autopsy, Suicide, Ligature material.

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