A novel SAIF way for system’s approach in medical education

Authors : Sunayana Sayani, Sravya Pinnamaneni, Gauri Mahajan, Neeraj Mahajan

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijcap.2022.051

Volume : 9

Issue : 4

Year : 2022

Page No : 241-244

This paper discusses SAIF (Sophisticated Analytical Instrument Facilities) approach, the stages of SAIF approach, and how it can be implemented in day-to-day life in medical education as well as in the health care system. The steps involved in SAIF are study the system, analyze the system, Implement and lastly take feedback. The SAIF approach can be broken down to help systematically build various healthcare sectors. It is an effective problem-solving method. SAIF approach is not limited to health care but can also be applied in other sectors and industries as well. Even in our daily life, we use it multiple times. Here, we discuss the practicality of this approach as well as what it has to offer and if it can be held in great esteem.

Keywords: SAIF approach, Health care system, Medical education.

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